Invention Reference: 07/MED/254
Genes Against Biotic and Abiotic stresses
OsGAP1 –gene encoding a novel GTPase activation protein cloned from the monocot plant rice. Overexpression of this gene in rice and the dicot plant Arabidopsis thaliana enhances resistance toward bacterial pathogens.
GmRD22 – gene encoding an apoplastic protein cloned from soybean. Overexpression of this gene in cell culture, rice and Arabidopsis thaliana enhances tolerance toward salinity and drought stresses.
GmPAP3 – gene encoding a novel mitochondrial localized purple acid phosphatase cloned from soybean. Overexpression of this gene in cell culture and Arabidopsis thaliana enhances tolerance toward salinity and osmotic stresses. |
Salinity, drought and disease are severe problems to agriculture worldwide, which could cause a retarded growth of crops and consequently a reduction in yield. Scientists at CUHK have characterized several genes in crops that enhance their tolerance/resistance against these stresses. |